Laura Silva Quesada presents…


Thorough positive reprogramming at both the wakeful, alpha frequency and deep, theta hypnotic meditative states, breakthroughs are inevitable!

Hypno-Meditations Include:

  • Gene Activation Room
  • Habit Management
  • The Healer Within
  • Sleep Book Experience
  • Top of the Mountain
  • BONUS: Collection of 5 short versions



According to the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH), the “state of inner absorption, concentration and focused attention” brought on by hypnosis may help us use our minds more powerfully. The feeling of calm and relaxation created by hypnosis opens people up to the power of suggestion, and what better time than when entering sleep does one surrender themselves to the ideal inner states and brain frequencies for deep suggestions to be absorbed and your subconscious to be reprogrammed.

Many people want to reprogram their subconscious, yet wakeful meditations at the alpha frequency don’t quite seem to do the job. What they need is to go very deep within, voluntarily and without resistance.

This is why our longer Hypno-meditations and the shorter reinforcement meditations are ideal. They not only program you at the lighter alpha frequencies, when done before sleep, they also program you in the much deeper theta and delta frequencies where lie the roots of whatever may be ailing you.

And, as a bonus, you get to enjoy a great night’s sleep. Studies show that hypnosis can contribute to 80 percent more time spent in slow-wave sleep (the deep, restorative phase of sleep) and with no adverse side effects.

The shift in consciousness that occurs through mental imagery, suggestions and metaphors, enables you to tap into your natural abilities and allows you to make change more quickly. Practicing meditation is the ultimate act of self-control. Practicing Hypno-meditations allows you to use even more of your innate potential.

#1: Gene Activator Room

Scientific studies on epigenetics show, that there are many possible, future versions of you. It’s up to you to make lifestyle choices that direct your genes toward fat burning, muscle building, longevity and wellness. It is within your power to think, believe, do and live in a way that promotes health and wellbeing.

This Hypno-meditation reinforces six actions that encourage positive thinking, a focus on resourceful beliefs, improved sleeping habits, healthy nutritional practices, freedom from emotional trauma and positive gene expression. The very things that will help you in deciding which version of you to become.

#2: Habit Management

Many habits are formed by choices we make early in life. Once a practice, behaviour or attitude is started, repeated and reinforced through time, a pattern forms and a habit is established. Habits are deeply programmed patterns that are entwined with built-in false rewards. In this exercise, you will experience a sort of age regression where you can become aware of moments in your life where, depending on what was going on, you made certain choices that resulted in undesirable patterns. As you continue to regress, you become fully aware that you have always been in control of your life choices and living experience. You then become aware that you have a new opportunity to take charge of your life once again and live better and healthier.

#3: The Healer Within

This deep meditative experience is designed to address and assist the many layers of the healing process. As you fully engage your mental senses, you will first experience a peaceful, visual experience that takes you to a quaint seaside village. This will help you to relax and deepen your inner state even more. At some point in the exercise, you will come to a local theatre where you will see a movie of your life that allows you to assess your life and lifestyle practices, encouraging you to make healthier life choices. Leaving the theatre more hopeful, you come across a miraculous healer by the shore who is awaiting to heal every layer of your being.

#4: Sleep Book Experience

A healthy body requires healthy sleep. This deep meditative sleep experience is sure to take you into deep, healthy, and restful sleep. As with all Hypno-meditations, it incorporates deep physical and mental relaxation along with an extensive and engaging visual/subjective experience. This sleep experience also uses countdowns and an imaginary Sleep Book. All these levels of compounded deepening will kick off the sleep cycle and take you into the different stages of healthy sleep. This allows your body, brain and mind to relearn how to enter sleep in a normal, healthy manner and without the use of drugs or alcohol.

#5: Top of the Mountain

Metaphors have been known to be effective in reprogramming your subconscious mind. The meditative experience incorporates a success strategy that will bring you to acknowledge the many resources you possess and have allowed you to succeed even in the most challenging of times. As you journey to the top of the mountain, you also become aware of and grateful for all the things that contribute to your successes. Once at the top of the mountain, you are able to see forever into your past with gratitude and appreciation, and together with the wisdom of the “Future You,” you will create the future you choose to live.

Bonus collection of shorter versions

The shorter versions of the Hypno-meditations are designed to reinforce what has been programmed with the Hypno-meditations as you enter sleep. They may be done anytime throughout the day or night. They last approximately 20-25 minutes and are effective as stand alone meditations.

How to use Hypno-Meditations

Hypno-meditations can last anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour. They take you to deep inner states and are designed to be done at night as you prepare to enter sleep. This will help your brain slow down to theta frequencies and your subconscious mind to be reprogramed with positivity. It is always recommended that all meditations be done in a safe environment and never while driving or operating heavy machinery. It is also recommended that you listen to the meditation with eyes open first before doing them with eyes closed. This will help insure that you are fully aware of its contents and there will be no surprises.

Here's What You Get When You Order Hypno-Meditations!

Hypno-Meditations Include:

  • Gene Activation Room
  • Habit Management
  • The Healer Within
  • Sleep Book Experience
  • Top of the Mountain
  • BONUS: Collection of 5 short versions
