Laura Silva Quesada presents…

Beliefs for successful living

Learn to rewire your subconscious, create new beliefs and get more of what you want out of life.


Collaborating with top scientists and researchers, and training over 6 million people worldwide with our method.

Beliefs for Successful Living iWorkshop

You Will Receive:

  • Strategies to identify and override limiting beliefs
  • 2 Meditations with Laura Silva Quesada
  • iWorkshop Powerpoint Presentation (PDF)
  • iWorkshop Recording


Use Your Human Potential & The Power Of Your Mind

Within you is a world of possibilities. The life you live is predesigned by past experiences that resulted the thoughts and beliefs that govern your living experience.

In this workshop you will learn to use your human potential and the power of your mind to rid yourself of old thought patterns that have resulted in beliefs that do not serve you in your journey towards a fulfilling life.

You will learn how to identify old and useless beliefs, modify them or eliminate them altogether in order to create a new and more resourceful way of thinking and believing…to create a NEW MIND for living the life you have always dreamed of.

Learn to free yourself from the baggage of the past…free yourself from pain and dis-ease…free yourself and move towards a vibrant and joyful life!

What Is Included In This iWorkshop…

Part 1


In this module:

Everything about your life involves deeply ingrained patterns. These patterns result in automatic thinking and actions that lead to similar results time after time. These results become the evidence that supports our way of thinking and behaving, the very foundation of our beliefs. You can achieve everything you desire in life when you get the patterns right.

Part 2


In this module:

Everybody wants to live a better life and to do so it is mandatory you change your thoughts, beliefs and behaviors. It sounds simple, and it is simple when you learn how easy it can be done. Start with the lowest hanging fruit and reap the greatest rewards. Become aware of what is holding you back, break those barriers and live the life of your dreams!

Part 3


In this module:

There are many ways to change beliefs and in this module you will learn a variety of methods to weaken the patterns of existing beliefs, change them or eliminate them altogether. You will discover the liberating feeling that comes with letting go of old and useless baggage.


Overriding Obstacles

Part 4


In this module:

The choice is yours. Once you identify what is holding you back from having it all, you can decide whether to simply tweak an old pattern, change it, eliminate it or create a new and more resourceful one. Once you know how to work with your beliefs then you can decide what is best for you!



Creating New Beliefs

How Will I Get My Product?

You’ll receive and email with links to download your program.

To be more specific, upon completing your purchase you will receive an email with links to download your program. Meditation will be MP3 format and the video in mp4 format.

Realize your full potential and live the life of your design with the original mind-empowerment methodology, The Silva Method.

Anything with the name of Jose Silva as the author has my vote before I open to page one. Read it with a pen for underlining.

Dr. Wayne Dyer

By offering the Silva Method to (our) employees we provide an opportunity to experience for themselves the power of the mind…

Robert Stiller

I took the course over twenty years ago. It has stood by my side, and rested in my heart helping me meet challenges I never anticipated. I've often surprised myself. Silva made me the tiger that I am.

Barbara Silkstone

To me, The Silva Method is one of the best programs I invested in. Or should I say Silva invested in me?...the Silva Method is a powerful tool to create the life we want, the life that feels good.

Ed van der Werk

“The Silva Method is phenomenal, outstanding in every way. I believe that the Silva Method, of all the types of training I have taken over the last 30 to 40 years, is probably the most valuable training I have had."

Rubye Braye

"When I think of the 10 most important contributors to the field of personal development, Laura Silva is at the top of my list. Her level of integrity is impeccable, and her level of caring is extraordinary."

Mark Waldman

“Laura, this is probably the best Meditation I have ever experience with a wondrous creative visualization. I love you for it."

Michael Hassen

"Laura, this was perfect for me right now. The vision of myself healthy, overcoming my current health challenges... I know that I can conquer it. I will be using this meditation many times. Thank you so much!"

Alicia Cantu Whitaker

Your Instructor & Guide

Laura Silva Quesada brings a practical and refreshing approach to personal growth and living. Laura is prolific teacher and the author of best-selling home study program, Silva Life System.  She has made developments in the Silva technology as well as in the fields of manifesting and intuition. In high demand, Laura spends much of her year traveling to Europe, Asia, and around the continental United States lecturing, speaking, and educating the world on how to empower your mind and live a more happy and fulfilling life.

Gain access to a wealth of information that will change your life.

Learning, on the other hand, is an eternal investment in YOU. Once you learn about yourself, you and your world are changed forever. It cannot be un-learned.

Think about how fast $30, or even $50 can be spent on meaningless things that don’t really make a difference in your life. How many times have you gone into a store and spent 38 bucks and come out thinking, “What in the world did I just buy?” So much of what we spend our money on lasts but a short time.


Collaborating with top scientists and researchers, and training over 6 million people worldwide with our method.

Beliefs for Successful Living iWorkshop

You Will Receive:

  • Strategies to identify and override limiting beliefs
  • 2 Meditations with Laura Silva Quesada
  • iWorkshop Powerpoint Presentation (PDF)
  • iWorkshop Recording
