
Laura Silva Quesada present…

Collection “Better Me”

Break through lingering barriers with the best meditations of our top selling products resulting in a better you!

Here’s What You Get When You Order “Better Me” Collection!

Meditations Included:

  • Exercise #1: Creating New Money Beliefs
  • Exercise #2: Health Boosting Sieve
  • Exercise #3: Ideal Weight for Maximum Health
  • Exercise #4: Mirror of the Mind for Career
  • Exercise #5: Metamorphosis
  • Exercise #6: Connecting with Your Self-esteem
  • Exercise #7: Forgiveness
  • Exercise #8: A Conversation with Your Mind
  • Exercise #9: Habit Management
  • Exercise #10: Overcoming Obstacles


Guided Meditations Designed for Everything

Stay On Course

Stay on course with your spiritual journey.

Easy Listening

Simplifies your life by downloading and adding your meditations to any device for easy listening.


On-the-go guided meditations on any topic.

The meditations are delivered digitally in MP3 form. Laura Silva Quesada will guide you to a healthy, relaxed level of mind. Each meditation will also feature a gently sound in the background. These sounds help to simulates different levels of the mind and will help guide your brain to this correct frequency.

All you need to do is find a comfortable position, preferably sitting up, and close your eyes. When you’re ready you can start the audio.

Exercise #1:

Creating New Money Beliefs

Beliefs govern your living experience. Creating new beliefs can change the way you are experiencing your day-to-day life. In this exercise, you will examine how and when your beliefs about money formed. You will allow memories, experiences and people of your past to surface and reveal the beliefs that resulted from those past experiences allowing you to undo and/or reframe those useless and financially restricting beliefs once and for all.

Exercise #2:

Health Boosting Sieve

After forgiving and releasing people, situations and things that result in negative emotions that strain brain and health functions, you will imagine a large energetic sieve that will remove anything causing health problems, infections and inflammation, such as toxins, bacteria, heavy metals, fungi, mold or any other microorganisms that may be affecting your brain and body functions. This exercise is ideal for brain health, combating Alzheimer’s and strengthening the immune system.

Exercise #3:

Ideal Weight for Maximum Health

Having the ideal weight for your body type allows for health, vibrancy and energy. This emotion and energy infused meditation brings mindfulness and imagery into your eating patterns, cravings and lifestyle practices. It incorporates future-pacing and trigger mechanisms to help insure you reach your weight and health goals. In this exercise, you will learn how to effectively and simply manage your weight.

Exercise #4:

Mirror of the Mind for Career

What is one of Jose Silva’s most popular techniques, The Mirror of the Mind, is said by Silva practitioners to work miracles. This highly energetic version of the Mirror of the Mind focuses on crystalizing your career goals, making them greatly achievable. It incorporates the subjective energies of desire, belief and expectancy and projects you into a future where you can experience your career success fully and completely.

Exercise #5:


In this exercise, you will experience your metamorphosis, your transformation from your current form and habits to those of a wealthy person living with abundance. Imagine being imprisoned in a cocoon with your old self and secrets that cause you shame and guilt and you want it all to be different. While in the cocoon you are becoming more beautiful, strong and healthy; your wings are developing; your body is shaping into something so different than before; you get so strong that you are able to break through the shell of your cocoon and live a life of abundance.

Exercise #6:

Connecting with Your Self-esteem

Everyone has confidence in doing certain actions, skills or abilities with great quality that it causes you to feel worthy inside. It could be cooking, gardening, painting, singing, dancing, exercising, writing, working or parenting. In this exercise, you will bring to mind and lock into the feeling of confidence that leads to a high self-esteem and you will learn how to inject self-esteem in every area of life you feel it is needed.

Exercise #7:

Forgiveness Exercise

Forgiveness is the ability to allow, and deal with error, and weakness in yourself and others. It is a way to give up resentment, and work through offenses resourcefully. It has the power to heal every part of your being; spirit, mind, body, and emotions. Through the healing energy of forgiveness, your spirit finds compassion, your mind thinks more positively, your body heals faster, and your emotions are free to experience joy. Forgiveness has the potential of soothing uncomfortable feelings between people, reuniting broken relationships, and giving you the necessary strength to move forward in a healthy manner.

Exercise #8:

A Conversation with Your Mind

Giving your intangible mind a tangible form you can resonate and communicate with allows you to interact with it in a special way so as to improve the quality of your thoughts and attitudes over things that make you feel stressed, upset, impatient, intolerant angry or afraid. This exercise allows you to have a conversation with your mind about the kind of feelings or emotions that prevent you from having something you desire, doing something you want to do or being in a way that makes you joyful.

Exercise #9:

Habit Management

Most people have at least one bad habit. And while some bad habits such as over-eating and smoking are obvious and can pose serious health risks, others like nail biting, throat clearing, and knuckle cracking are really just plain annoying. Odds are you have been living with and reinforcing your bad habits for a long time. So, it may be a bit challenging to break these bad habits especially if you are enjoying the rewards they bring? Your overall success, which includes health, career, prosperity, happiness and relationships, will depend greatly on your lifestyle habits.

Exercise #10:

Overcoming Obstacles

Even when we want to achieve a special goal with great intensity, there are obstacles in the form of restricting beliefs that cloud your goals achievement with doom and doubt. You can separate yourself from the stress caused by helplessness, hopelessness, abandonment, rejection, lack of control fear and/or anger by willingly choosing to override the old subconscious map filled with deterrents. In this exercise, you will meet a “future” you who has already achieved the goal and ask him or her for the strategy to success.

10 areas of personal improvement


Area 1: Finances


Area 2: Health


Area 3: Weight


Area 4: Career


Area 5: Appearance


Area 6: Self-esteem


Area 7: Family issues


Area 8: Attitude


Area 9: Habits


Area 10: Emotional Issues

Your Instructor –
Laura Silva Quesada

Laura is the daughter of Jose Silva, founder of the Silva Method, a method teaching students specialized guided imagery techniques to rewire their subconscious with positive programming, tap into their true potential and achieve their goals. For decades, The Silva Method has been considered as the original and most imitated dynamic meditation program in the world.

Laura was born during the pinnacle of her father’s research on mind development and was one of his primary research subjects. This gave her extensive personal experience and insight into the creation and use of life-changing and intuitive techniques. Carrying on where her father left off, she continues to serve humanity through the products she creates. Today, as President of LSQ Productions, she is able to enforce a broader vision, expanding beyond traditional seminar training to Internet e-learning.

The Silva Method is at the heart of everything Laura produces. She has been training for over 40 years and learned, first-hand from her father, of the great power a disciplined mind can have. She invested over a decade to grow Silva international’s reach and strength and is credited as the brain power and creator behind several, hugely popular, online, Silva home study programs – Silva Life System, Silva Intuition System, Silva Mind Body Healing, and Silva Manifesting. The very programs that have kept Silva at the forefront of the personal growth industry.

Laura is a modern woman, raising a family, running a business, nurturing a beautiful marriage, and balancing her time to live a healthy lifestyle. She is a true testament to the Silva Method’s empowering techniques, and a fan favorite across generations.

Here’s What You Get When You Order “Better Me” Collection!

Meditations Included:

  • Exercise #1: Creating New Money Beliefs
  • Exercise #2: Health Boosting Sieve
  • Exercise #3: Ideal Weight for Maximum Health
  • Exercise #4: Mirror of the Mind for Career
  • Exercise #5: Metamorphosis
  • Exercise #6: Connecting with Your Self-esteem
  • Exercise #7: Forgiveness
  • Exercise #8: A Conversation with Your Mind
  • Exercise #9: Habit Management
  • Exercise #10: Overcoming Obstacles
