Silva Life System Digital



  • Module 1: Roadmap to Success
  • Module 2: Crafting your Dreams
  • Module 3: Using More of your Brain and Mind
  • Module 4: Sleep Control Technique, Alarm Clock Technique
  • Module 5: Dream Control Technique, Energizing Technique
  • Module 6: 3 Fingers Technique
  • Module 7: Energizing Water Technique, Headache Relief Technique
  • Module 8: Mirror of the Mind Technique
  • Module 9: Glass of Water Technique, The Power of Forgiveness
  • Module 10: Fantastic Voyage Exercise
  • Module 11: Creation of Mental Laboratory and Counselors
  • Module 12: Creating New Beliefs
  • Module 13: Target Image Exercise


You will learn to reach deep levels of mind using advanced audio exercises developed by Jose Silva. While at these levels of mind we will teach you various techniques you can use to empower yourself and move you toward your purpose and goals.

  • How to reach deep levels of meditation with supreme ease.
  • How to use affirmations to create immediate attitude shifts.
  • How to accelerate healing and achieve vibrant health.
  • How to develop your intuition .
  • The art of creative visualization to manifest dreams .
  • How to create a life plan. 
  • The art of goal setting and thinking big.

Silva Intuition System Digital



  • Module 1: Your Journey Begins:
  • Module 2: Illuminate Your Path With Significant Points Of Reference
  • Module 3: The Source Connection Exercise
  • Module 4: The Visioning Exercise
  • Module 5: Problem Solving With The Holo-Viewing Technique
  • Module 6: The Projection Exercise: Ignite Your Senses
  • Module 7: Intuition And Inanimate Objects
  • Module 8: Projection Into Plants And Animals
  • Module 9: Scanning The Human Body & Mind
  • Module 10: Caseworking: The Pinnacle Of Intuition
  • Module 11: Creation of Mental Laboratory and Counselors
  • Module 12: Seeds Of Purpose



  • 11 modules of Silva Intuition System Home Training Program* 1 Caseworking Student Manual
  • Access To The Silva ESP Enhancer Software

Plus the following bonuses:

  • BONUS #1: How To Develop Your Creative Potential (Value: $47)
  • BONUS #2: The Holo-Viewing Technique (Value: $47)

Silva Mind Body Healing


Available EXCLUSIVELY on this site, the Silva Mind Body Healing home training program is a complete 11-part guide for anyone—from beginner to experienced mind-body healer—to awaken the full extent of the mind’s natural healing ability.

Silva Mind Body Healing takes you on a systematic journey through The Silva Method’s 3 pillars of mind-body healing. You’ll be trained on core concepts like Alpha and Theta Level meditations, Healing Imagery techniques, and exercises designed to program your subconscious mind in line with the Desire-Belief-Expectancy (D-B-E) thought process. Supporting topics like stress management and manifesting are also covered in detail.


Here’s What You Get When You Order Silva Mind-Body Healing:

 The program contains:

  • 11 modules packed with cutting-edge Silva content.

Plus the following bonuses:

  • Holistic Healing with Laura Silva (Value: $97)
  • The Healing Touch With Isabel Silva (Value: $47)
  • Question Session with Laura Silva Quesada (Value: $47)

New Mind for Prosperity


Available exclusively on this site, New Mind for Prosperity is an audio home training program that gives you advanced mind empowerment concepts, tools and techniques for engaging every layer of your being.

The program contains:

  • 8 modules packed with innovative tools to shift your mindset towards prosperity
  • 8 brand new exercises to rewire your subconscious and let abundance in
  • A workbook to help you integrate and elevate your learnings
  • An unconditional 90-day money back guarantee

Plus the following bonuses:

  • A Check from the First Bank of the Abundant Universe
  • A video on how to utilize the check for the best financial outcome



There is no denying it, every aspect of how you live day in and day out, including the level of prosperity you enjoy, is a result of past experiences that have resulted in the beliefs you hold to be true. For this reason, The New Mind for Prosperity home study course guides you, step-by-step, to recreate your past, upgrade your beliefs and subjective experience and use your mind to imagine and effectively create prosperity in all areas of life.

You learn how to tap into your deep-rooted beliefs, upgrade them to more resourceful ones and experience emotionally infused visual meditations to complete the cycle of giving. Every subjective experience will prepare you for the influx of prosperity, people, and opportunities that will create a strong foundation for your new life of prosperity.

With this hands-on, practical approach to clearing out old energy, envisioning an effective plan, and becoming a better you in every way, you restructure your inner experience in a way that will open the floodgates to prosperity.

New Mind: Forever Young


Available exclusively on this site, Forever Young is an audio home training program that gives you advanced mind empowerment concepts, tools and techniques for engaging every layer of your being.

The program contains:

  • 8 modules to help turn back the hands of time and
    lower your subjective age
  • 6 brand new exercises that will improve your health,
    lower your weight and enhance your emotional wellbeing
  • A four part E-book to use as a resource manual and
    integrate your learnings
  • An unconditional 90-day money back guarantee



One of our goals in Forever Young is to achieve the highest quality of life. The best way to experience that is when you feel young, are healthy and have energy that lasts the whole day.

Feeling young, healthy and vibrant naturally lowers your subjective age. Caroline Adams Miller, author of Creating Your Best Life, says, “It’s totally possible to rediscover that zest and optimism you felt when you were younger. In fact, recapturing those qualities is essential to leading a healthier, happier life in the long run.”

At the core of Forever Young is a selection of advanced mind empowerment concepts, tools and techniques for engaging every layer of your being. Some of these are brand new, and some are age old enduring favorites.

20 Days of Silva



  • Day 1: Deepen your inner state and creativity
  • Day 2: Enhance visualization for self-improvement
  • Day 3: Imagery and forgiveness
  • Day 4: Ideal place of relaxation, abundance
  • Day 5: Imagery for protecting your home
  • Day 6: Magic garden and dream recalls
  • Day 7: Love meditation and dream recall
  • Day 8: Mental rehearsal and dream recall
  • Day 9: Developing your mental senses
  • Day 10: Passage of time and goal setting
  • Day 11: Dream interpretation and health
  • Day 12: Healthy organs
  • Day 13: Dream modification and family forgiveness
  • Day 14: Behavior modification and forgiving others
  • Day 15: Do away with unwanted traits forgiving self
  • Day 16: Global healing and improve relationships
  • Day 17: Global healing and problem solving
  • Day 18: Global healing and improve moods
  • Day 19: Programming for the day and problem-solving
  • Day 20: Problem-solving and Three Finger Technique


Research in mind and human potential indicate that the easiest path to create the things we want in life, be it health, career, great relationships, abundance, happiness or enlightenment, is to connect with our powerful inner state associated with the Alpha and Theta brainwave frequencies, naturally experienced as we sleep.

What the 20 Days of Silva helps you do, is experience this state of mind repeatedly during waking consciousness, in order to master your inner state and in turn your life as well?

It’s a well-accepted fact…to live a happier more fulfilling life, one must develop lifestyle practices that last a lifetime. We are determined to help you achieve this goal. We will support you thought a 20 day quest to make sure you create and live the life of your design with daily meditation, heightened imagery, goal achievement and so much more.

Towards excellence


You will get:

30 meditations covering 15 qualities
4 bonuses

The program contains:

Quality 1: Positivity and Optimism
Quality 2: Empathy and Compassion
Quality 3: Positive Self Image
Quality 4: Honesty
Quality 5: Enthusiasm
Quality 6: Resilience
Quality 7: Responsibility
Quality 8: Creativity
Quality 9: Concentration
Quality 10: Intuition
Quality 11: Generosity
Quality 12: Kindness
Quality 13: Confidence
Quality 14: Loyalty
Quality 15: Patience
Bonus 1: The Three Finger Technique
Bonus 2: Mirror of the Mind Technique
Bonus 3: Helmet Technique
Bonus 4: Positive Thoughts, Positive Outcomes Mini-Course


Available exclusively on this website, Towards Excellence is our latest multimedia home training program designed to give you the foundations of mind mastery to create your best life with the qualities and resources to succeed.

15 different qualities, 30 meditations delivered to you directly. You learn mind empowerment strategies, techniques, and the dynamic use of your mind and human potential.

Manifest Like A Millionaire



  • Part 1: Alpha Anchor for Sucess
  • Part 2: Multi-dimensional Travel
  • Part 3: Four pillars of Success
  • Exercise 1: Alpha Anchor Meditation
  • Exercise 2: Fantastic Voyage Meditation
  • Exercise 3: Mirror of the Mind for Career Meditation
  • Bonus Exercise 1: Creating New Money Beliefs Meditation
  • Bonus Exercise 2: Becoming A Money Magnet Meditation
  • Bonus Exercise 3: Pot of Gold
  • Description

    What I will be sharing with you in this offer is the perfect compliment to the Silva Programs you are currently benefiting from. This extra knowledge will be the rocket fuel you need to accelerate your learning process, enhance the power of your mind, shine the spotlight on your fullest potential and attract more financial abundance.

    Remote Healing


    * 5 modules to help you learn of and practice the healing power you hold within
    * 2 brand new exercises that will assist the healing process in your loved ones, pets, plants and you
    * An unconditional 90-day money back guarantee

    * Video with Rapid Healing and Standard Healing techniques
    * Special Glass of Water Meditation


    An extraordinary approach to the healing process that goes beyond space and time!

    Healing Trauma through Mindfulness


    Healing Trauma through Mindfulness includes:

    • Module 1: What is Psychological Trauma
    • Module 2: Dealing with Traumatic Stress
    • Module 3: Posttraumatic Growth


    • Meditation 1: The Observer
    • Meditation 2: The Theater Technique
    • Meditation 3: Eye Eraser Technique

    Plus, the following bonuses:

    • Bonus 1: Video: Self-Applied EMDR
    • Bonus 2: Sleep Solution Strategy Mini-Course
    • Bonus 3: Creating New Beliefs



    Chakra Balance



    * Root Chakra
    * Sacral Plexus
    * Solar Plexus
    * Heart Chakra
    * Throat Chakra
    * Third Eye Chakra
    * Crown Chakra
    * Full Chakra Balancing


    The Chakra Balance Program consists of eight modules and 8 new meditations. Each module includes an explanation of the Chakra, what it influences, what happens when imbalance occurs and how to keep it balanced, open and vibrant.

    The Roadmap to Success


    The program contains:
    Part 1: The Four Pillars of Success
    Part 2: Transforming Stress
    Part 3: 3 Steps to Mental Housecleaning
    Part 4: 5 Steps to Crafting Your Dreams
    Part 5: Forward and Beyond Limitations
    Part 6: Activating Your Inner Genius

    Meditation 1: Stress Transformation Exercise
    Meditation 2: Outcome Exercise
    Meditation 3: Changing Limiting Beliefs
    Meditation 4: Long Relax Exercise

    Everyday ESP


    * 4 modules to help you acknowledge and effectively use your ESP
    * 4 brand new empowerment meditations to help you learn how to discern information
    * A step by step curriculum for developing everyday ESP
    * Exercises and assignments to kick off your ESP training


    Available exclusively on this site, Everyday ESP is an audio home training program that gives you advanced mind empowerment concepts, tools and techniques for engaging every layer of your natural ESP potential.

    Collection of Hypno-Meditations



    • Gene Activation Room
    • Habit Management
    • The Healer Within
    • Sleep Book Experience
    • Top of the Mountain
    • BONUS: Collection of 5 short versions


    Hypno-meditations can last anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour. They take you to deep inner states and are designed to be done at night as you prepare to enter sleep. This will help your brain slow down to theta frequencies and your subconscious mind to be reprogramed with positivity. It is always recommended that all meditations be done in a safe environment and never while driving or operating heavy machinery. It is also recommended that you listen to the meditation with eyes open first before doing them with eyes closed. This will help insure that you are fully aware of its contents and there will be no surprises.

    The Health Package



    • Brain Boosting Sieve
    • Breath of Life
    • Healthy Kidneys
    • Heart Health
    • Lean Body
    • Liver Vibrancy
    • Pancreatic Wellness
    • Radiant Immune System
    • BONUS 1: Collection of 8 short versions
    • BONUS 2: Collection of 8 short versions


    The Health Package meditations consists of three versions of meditations. The longer version last anywhere from 30-45 minutes and as stated earlier, can be done during the day or as you enter sleep. This longer will help your brain slow down to theta frequencies and your subconscious mind to be reprogramed with positivity.

    The shorter versions are not as long. They take you to alpha and are designed to reinforce what has been programmed with the longer version of the meditation. These meditations are short, to the point and can be done anytime you wish.

    It is always recommended that all meditations be done in a safe environment and never while driving or operating heavy machinery. It is also recommended that you listen to the meditation with eyes open first before doing them with eyes closed. This will help insure that you are fully aware of its contents and there will be no surprises.

    Eliminating Stress and Anxiety


    Eliminating Stress and Anxiety includes:

    Module 1: What Causes and Triggers Stress and Anxiety
    Module 2: Identifying Stress Triggers
    Module 3: Making it Work

    Meditation 1:Stress Transformation Strategy
    Meditation 2: Handling Stress
    Meditation 3: Adult Me
    Meditation 4: Overcoming Incompetence

    Plus, the following bonuses:

    Bonus 1: Mirror of the Mind
    Bonus 2: Forgiveness


    Whether you’re the kind of person who jumps into action, plans carefully for everything, is out to save the world or is wanting to outrace your competition, you can’t afford to let stress and anxiety get in your way.

    Collection “Better Me”



    • Exercise #1: Creating New Money Beliefs
    • Exercise #2: Health Boosting Sieve
    • Exercise #3: Ideal Weight for Maximum Health
    • Exercise #4: Mirror of the Mind for Career
    • Exercise #5: Metamorphosis
    • Exercise #6: Connecting with Your Self-esteem
    • Exercise #7: Forgiveness
    • Exercise #8: A Conversation with Your Mind
    • Exercise #9: Habit Management
    • Exercise #10: Overcoming Obstacles

    Techniques For Effective Communication



    • Part 1 : Alpha Anchor
    • Part 2 : Countdown for Attuning
    • Part 3 : Mental Rehearsal
    • Part 4 : Mental Appeal
    • Part 5: Helmet Technique



    Techniques for Subjective Effective Communication iWorkshop takes place online, in the form of webinars. There will be 1 afternoon sessions where you will spend 3 hours a session(12PM-3PM EST) learning mind empowering techniques and concepts for delivering effective subjective communication.

    All you need is a computer, WiFi and time set aside to spend a afternoons with the wonderful Laura Silva Quesada. Its easy & fun. Plus, we will record the webinars and meditations so that you can watch & listen anytime or if you miss a session.

    Beliefs for Successful Living iWorkshop



    • Strategies to identify and override limiting beliefs
    • 2 Meditations with Laura Silva Quesada
    • iWorkshop Powerpoint Presentation (PDF)
    • iWorkshop Recording


    In this workshop you will learn to use your human potential and the power of your mind to rid yourself of old thought patterns that have resulted in beliefs that do not serve you in your journey towards a fulfilling life.

    You will learn how to identify old and useless beliefs, modify them or eliminate them altogether in order to create a new and more resourceful way of thinking and believing…to create a NEW MIND for living the life you have always dreamed of.

    Learn to free yourself from the baggage of the past…free yourself from pain and dis-ease…free yourself and move towards a vibrant and joyful life!

    Effectual Relaxation and Stress Relief iWorkshop



    • Part 1 : Why manage stress?
    • Part 2 : The real cause of stress
    • Part 3 : Effective stress relief 
    • Part 4 : Your dose of daily relaxation 


    Throughout your life, in the midst of all your past experiences, you learned life lessons that gave you resources to handle tough situations…tough situations that result in stress.

    In this workshop, you will learn how past core experiences are easily triggered by everyday life occurrences and how staying focused in the “Now” allows you to access inner resources to not only understand stress…but to handle it effectively every time it’s triggered.

    You will learn to identify the 5 core experiences that trigger the fear and/or anger experienced every day in life and how to eliminate stress in seconds.

    You possess every needed resource to counter all kinds of stress. You just need to learn how to satisfy old emotional needs and access those resources to live a relaxed and stress-free life.

    Problem Solving Techniques iWorkshop



    • Part 1 : The glass of water & dream control
    • Part 2 : Mirror of the mind (Levels 1,2,3)
    • Part 3 : Conversation with your mind
    • Part 4 : Appealing to source energy


    In this workshop you will learn to use your human potential and the power of your mind even while you sleep. You will be able to use imagery, subjective energies and coherent emotions to make your life better and design programs that make the difference in problem solving.

    You will create a strong and very conscious relationship with your mind and learn when and how to appeal to Source Energy from where all things come. And as always, all who participate have the freedom to design the iWorkshop to their needs by asking questions about anything Silva!

    Purposeful Living iWorkshop



    • 3-hour workshop full of practical information
    • Strategies to discover your life purpose
    • 2 Meditations with Laura Silva Quesada
    • iWorkshop Powerpoint Presentation (PDF)
    • iWorkshop Recording


    Your life purpose is the central motivating force of your life. It is why you get up in the morning. Your life purpose is unique to you because you are unique. There is no other person in the world with exactly the same history, or personal, emotional or spiritual composition.

    In this workshop you will learn to use your higher self and spiritual nudges to answer age old questions such as, who am I, where am I most effective and what makes me feel complete?

    You will learn how to give greater purpose and meaning to your life by working on your overall well-being, enhancing your sense of self-worth, doing what you love and experiencing your connection to all else that exists.

    Empowering your child iWorkshop



    • Part 1 : Discovering Your Child’s Potential
    • Part 2 : How to Guide Your Child into a Meditation
    • Part 3 : Learning with the Mental Movie Screen
    • Part 4 : Learning Techniques
    • Part 5 : Dealing with Adversity
    • Part 6 : Future Pacing


    Empowering your child iWorkshop takes place online in the form of a webinar. There will be two, 3 hour afternoon session, (12PM – 3PM ET), where you will learn techniques and concepts to empower your children.

    All you need is a computer, WiFi and the time to spend three hours with the wonderful Laura Silva Quesada. It’s easy & fun. Plus, we will record the webinar and meditations so that you can watch & listen anytime you wish, or in the event you miss the session.

    The New Mind Sleep Solution Digital Program



    • Part 1 : Sleeplessness
    • Part 2 : Sleep Solution Strategy
    • Part 3 : Sleep Management Strategy
    • Bonus 1 : The 5 Phases of REM
    • Bonus 2 : Mirror of the Mind Technique
    • Bonus 3 : Sleep Experience Exercise


    In The New Mind Sleep Solution Strategy program, you will learn valuable information on how to transform stress into a positive energy that can be used to help you rejuvenate your body and mind while you sleep. You will learn practical mental exercises to help you enter sleep easily and sleep deeply throughout the night.

    The New Mind Sleep Solution Strategy program gives you the tools you need to avoid medications, and to get the right kind of sleep that will leave you feeling refreshed in the morning.

    In this program you will:

    • Learn the causes of sleeplessness!
    • Access and understand the benefits of deep sleep cycles!
    • Re-learn how to sleep naturally!
    • Begin solving problems before you sleep!

    Ideal Weight for Maximum Health Digital Program



    • Part 1 : Starting Your Weight Loss Journey
    • Part 2 : Programing and Meditation
    • Bonus 1 : Morning Meditation
    • Bonus 2 : Evening Meditation


    Ideal Weight For Maximum Health program consists of valuable information on the various causes of weight gain, and how to manage it effectively. It is designed to give a deep understanding of what it takes to be healthy from a holistic perspective, enjoying overall well-being.

    Learn about the various causes of weight gain and get the tools to help you reduce. Discover what triggers your desire to eat and how to manage it effectively. Gain insight into your particular eating patterns so as to expose them and weaken their hold on you. This alone will empower you, giving you the strength to succeed!

    Laura’s Ideal Weight For Maximum Health strategy will help you find and keep your ideal weight in a healthy manner and without the use of drugs or gimmicks. It works because it is a balanced approach.

    Music and Sound Collection



    • Curio
    • Earth Sound
    • Floyd At A Distance
    • Silva Method Questions Music
    • Alpha Beats
    • Theta Beats
    • The Heartbeat Sound
    • Planet Delta Sound
    • Origins


    These special sounds are used in multiple Silva Method Meditations and Programs. Play it while meditating with any Silva techniques or simply to relax.

    10 Meditation Bundle



    • Gratitude Exercise
    • The Healer Within
    • Creating New Beliefs
    • The Droplet Of Source Energy Exercise
    • A Conversation With Mind
    • Money Memory Clearing
    • Dealing With Grief, Separation And Loss
    • Choice Points
    • Forgiveness
    • Becoming A Money Magnet


    The meditations are delivered digitally in MP3 form. Laura Silva Quesada will guide you to a healthy, relaxed level of mind. Each meditation will also feature a gently sound in the background. These sounds help to simulates different levels of the mind and will help guide your brain to this correct frequency.
    All you need to do is find a comfortable position, preferably sitting up, and close your eyes. When you’re ready you can start the audio.

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