What People Are Saying About Us

Nothing speaks for The Silva Method better than success stories from our very own graduates.

The Silva Method is Phenomenal!

“The Silva Method is phenomenal, outstanding in every way. I believe that the Silva Method, of all the types of training I have taken over the last 30 to 40 years, is probably the most valuable training I have had. When I think about what my overall experience has been like. It has been so wonderful to see Laura model this work every minute of everyday we’ve been here. I have seen her walk the talk in ways that have really impressed me, so much that I am excited to be part of this community for the rest of my life.”

photoRubye Braye
Social scientist and Certified Executive Coach, Lymington, North Carolina

Share your success!

Tell us how the Silva Method helped you change your life for the better!

In your story, please tell us what program or seminar Silva you passed. Describe the advantages and what results you get from this program.

Thank you for your story and for helping us spread the Silva Method. We look forward to your stories look!

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It’s a Good Experience for Kids

“The Silva Method is a really fun experience and will help you be better in life. The three-finger technique works for everything. It’s very easy to do and it’s a good experience for kids because when you grow up you can become more powerful. Meditation and techniques were my favorite! Best program ever.”

Grace Avalos
Atlanta, Georgia (8 years old)

I Think It Should Be Basic Education

“The Silva Method helped me mostly in three major areas. Before attending the Silva Method, I was not sleeping very well. Only two days after taking the seminar, I was sleeping like a baby. Also, it helped me remember my dreams and with that I was able to start my own radio program in Hong Kong, dealing with people’s dreams. Last but not least, with the Silva Method I am now able to wake up five minutes before my alarm clock goes off. This has been possible since I was introduced to the Silva Method in 1981. If you have an opportunity to do it, do it wherever you are in the world. I think it should be basic education. The Silva Method helps you make a difference in your life, using a very basic tool set.”

Leo Angas
Hong Kong

Has My Vote

“Anything with the name of Jose Silva as the author has my vote before I open to page one. Read it with a pen for underlining.”

dr-wayne-dyerDr. Wayne Dyer
Self-improvement guru and bestselling author of Real Magic

Changed My Life… Nothing Has Been The Same Since

“In 1972 I changed my life. I went to a class to learn The Silva Method™ and nothing has been the same since. I credit that as one of the most important things I have ever done in my life. Above all, it helped me learn how to use more of my mind for a positive, special life.”

nealNeal Boortz
Nationally Syndicated Radio Host, The Neal Boortz Show from Atlanta, Georgia 

Helps The Entire Learning Process

“I am interested in Jose Silva’s system because I feel it helps the entire learning process. The Silva Method™ is what I want for all the people I know and with whom I work.”

dordDord Fitz
founder of Dord Fitz Art Center and NASA guest speaker

Helped Bestselling Author Richard Bach Finish His Masterpiece

“Richard Bach, Silva Mind Control graduate and author of one of the “hottest” books ever written, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, explains: “Creative visualization is really what’s behind The Silva Method™; that is, whatever you can visualize, you can actualize” That is putting it squarely on the line. It is putting teeth into the old saw, “What man can conceive, he can achieve.” If you conceive of “a good day,”… Need I finish the sentence? Everything works better when you work; but objective work, as productive as it is, is not the only work you must do. You must also do subjective work using ten cycles per second to resonate with other minds and to get everything to work still better.”

Richard Bach
Author of “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” from the United States

We’re so much stronger than we think

“We waste too much of our time dragging ourselves under. If we spent one half of it just researching in our mind how to deal with life, we’d find we’re so much stronger than we think. (She became a Mind Control graduate on the recommendation of another graduate, opera singer Marguerite Piazza).”

Carol Lawrence
Famed Broadway Actress of West Side Story, The Sound of Music, Funny Girl and more. She earned a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame; the first recipient ever in the category of Live Theatre

Will Completely Change Your Life in So Many Ways

“Based on Jose Silva’s years of research, this phenomenal audio series will completely change your life in so many positive, empowering ways. Instead of listening to talk radio while you drive to and from work every day, you can be programming your mind to achieve anything you desire…no kidding! 


Christine Lyn Harvey
Editor-in-Chief and Publisher, New Living Magazine

Author Burt Goldman on The Silva Method

“We have all heard many times that anyone can control the direction and pattern of their lives if they just know how. In The Silva Method, you will learn simple, practical and safe ways to bring about this control. The Silva Method consists of scientifically researched, tested, proven techniques which you receive in a step-by-step, learn-by-doing manner. You will see noticeable results quickly.”

goldmanBurt Goldman
Author of The Power of Self Mind Contro

Best-Selling Author Shakti Gawain on the Silva Method

“One of the earliest workshops I took was the Silva Mind Control Course… The most important technique I learned in that course was the basic technique of creative visualization… Our rational mind is like a computer… The intuitive mind, on the other hand, seems to give access to an infinite supply of information. It appears to be able to tap into a deep storehouse of knowledge and wisdom.”

Shakti Gawain
Author of numerous books, including Creative Visualization

In a few weeks of programming I was able to hit my sales quota by 200% 

“The Silva Method has by far been one of the most influential personal development programs I have done. In a few weeks of programming I was able to hit my sales quota by 200%. I’ve used it from everything to finding my watch to attracting a boyfriend. Yes, I even used it on men. It’s amazing how much you can do with your mind if you know what to do. I strongly recommend everyone apply this method. It absolutely works. We all owe it to ourselves to make our lives better and better.”


Rola Diab
Chicago, IL

It Brings Good Energy To Me!!!

“My experience has been wonderful. When she (Laura) guides me through and takes me so deep into relaxation I come out of it totally energized and my head is crystal clear. God, I love it. It brings good energy to me that lasts a long time. I also liked the exercise finding my life purpose. That was totally amazing for me. Thank you so much…”

2358_thumbJenny Cook
California, USA

Will Completely Change Your Life in So Many Ways

“By offering the Silva Method to (our) employees we provide an opportunity to experience for themselves the power of the mind…” 

459_thumbRobert Stiller
Resident and CEO, Green Mountain Coffee

The Single Most Powerful Tool I have to Offer My Patience 

“About the Silva system, I would say it is the most powerful single tool that I have to offer patients.” 

434_thumbDr. O. Carl Simonton
Research pioneer in imagery therapy for cancer

RCA Records Endorses The Silva Method

“Most companies recognize the value of having capable and motivated people on the payroll. The Silva Method has provided a definitive way of allowing people to be self-motivated. … The course clearly depicted a way for all to enrich their lives, to gain better control of circumstances which, in the past, may have negatively affected them. I am grateful for understanding this rather uncomplicated way of approaching my job and personal life and I know that RCA Corporation will come out a winner also for having endorsed such a progressive program.”

J.K. Mangini
Division Vice President, Occupational Services, RCA Records

Article from FORUM Magazine: “It Works – And It’s Fantastic”

“Graduates of the course have been able to stop smoking, lose weight, give up drugs, sleep without pills, and wake up on time without an alarm. They’ve found themselves having more creative ideas, discovered they could at last write that novel, win at love, pay the rent…in short, achieve whatever it is they want to achieve in life. And for those who aren’t sure of what they want, there are techniques to help them find out. Personally, I felt profoundly enriched, as if I had rediscovered a wealth within myself, as if a door had opened to me that was open in my childhood, but which had closed over the years.”

Judith Glassman
writing for FORUM: The Magazine of Human Relationships. Judith Glassman is a medical and science writer/investigator whose work has appeared in many national magazines.

My introduction to the world of personal development began 30 years ago with The Silva Method. Laura Silva is the queen of techniques that allow you to BE more, DO more and HAVE more. They have work for me and they can work for you too.

Dr. Fabrizio Mancini

FOX News Healthy Living Expert and International Best Selling Author and Speaker

When I think of the 10 most important contributors to the field of personal development, Laura Silva is at the top of my list. Her level of integrity is impeccable, and her level of caring is extraordinary. In the 1970s, her father, Jose Silva, created one of the most effective ways to train one’s mind to remain stress-free, productive, and deeply self-loving. Laura has brought the Silva Method into the 21st Century, providing a level of teaching and mentorship that is so essential for these stress-filled times.

Mark Waldman

Executive MBA Faculty , Loyola Marymount University

If you are really interested in changing your life for better, then Laura Silva Quesada and her magical, transformational Silva Method Program is for you. Laura is the most authentic woman I have ever met in my life!!! She has developed myriad concepts, thoughts and ideas for you to reflect upon as you purposely and with specific intent learn to retrain and reprogram your mind for Abundant Health, Wonderful Relationships, a Thriving Business, Financial Freedom and long-lasting Happiness. 

Dr. Larry Markson

Author - Talking to Yourself is Not Crazy, Founder of Markson Management Services, The Masters Circle, The Markson Connection and The Cabin Experience

What Online Course Students Are Saying

Nothing speaks for The Silva Online Course better than Laura’s Online Students.

Would 100% Recommend This Course

“I wasn’t able to go to a live seminar so the webinars provided an ideal substitute. It was great that we could have any questions that we had answered and that we get the material to review afterwards as well. I really enjoyed Laura’s presentations and learning new skills to apply to my life. I would 100% recommend this course to anyone that would like to improve their life. “

The opportunity to interact live with Laura is invaluable!

“An amazing course! I am already familiar with Silva Life, Intuition and Healing Systems, and I still found this course to be incredibly valuable. Even though my questions were not well-worded, Laura fully and quickly grasped their meaning. My questions were answered fully. The opportunity to interact live with Laura is invaluable!”

So much more has been added and streamlined

“I took the course live back in the 70’s and while much of it was the same, so much more has been added and streamlined so that going “deeper and deeper” is faster and just easier.”

The training was excellent!

“Laura is an excellent teacher. She is one of the most motivating people that I have ever experienced. Laura’s passion for the Silva techniques and her presentation and detailed explanations, her stories of how she deals with situations and resolves them with different techniques was so valuable to me. It’s one thing reading about the techniques to refresh your memory from classes I took years back, and it’s another thing learning it again straight from Laura online. The training was excellent! I am so grateful that it was offered at a cost I could easily afford and attend, right in the comfort of my own home … no hotel expenses, no driving, no flying. It was super. Thank you so much Laura!”

You are given all the tools and resources.

“Very convenient and informative! You are given all the tools and resources needed to develop and integrate Intuition into your life!”

Immediate Connection

“I felt an immediate connection to Laura and the other participants. It felt as though we were in the ‘same space'”

This training is a powerful tool

“This training is a powerful tool to develop your intuition through imagination, meditation and visualization. This training maximize the so called six sense and is one great and peaceful experience. Thanks a lot!.”

Share your success!

Tell us how the Silva Method helped you change your life for the better!

In your story, please tell us what program or seminar Silva you passed. Describe the advantages and what results you get from this program.

Thank you for your story and for helping us spread the Silva Method. We look forward to your stories look!

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