
New Mind: Weight Loss Marathon (40%)

$99.00 $59.00



    • A 30-day course with 30 programming sessions
    • Everyday guidance to taking steps towards your ideal weight
    • Daily reminders that will keep you connected to your goal
    • Group support
    • The ability to ask questions and get answers



Weight Loss Marathon takes place online and in the comfort of your home.

Throughout 30 days, you will be given simple tasks and the opportunity to expand those tasks in order to speed up your success. You will also be given the powerful E2 Meditations such as the Present Future Meditation, the Future Focus Meditation and how to use the Glass of Water for Weight Loss. In addition, you will receive daily encouragement to help you stay the course. All you need is a computer, Wi-Fi and a small daily investment of your time with the wonderful Laura Silva Quesada.

As a recommended step to the Weight Loss Marathon, you will decide on the amount of weight you want to reduce per month and your total, overall amount of pounds you need to reduce in order to reach your ideal weight for maximum health. Select a goal you deeply DESIRE to achieve, BELIEVE you can achieve and EXPECT to achieve within 30 days. The engagement of these subjective energies will help secure the actualization of your outcome. You can listen to this program anytime you wish, or in the event you miss a session.