
Techniques For Effective Communication (special)

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Techniques for Subjective Effective Communication

Part 1 : Alpha Anchor – This versatile technique allows you to access valuable resources for job interviews, interactions, presenting proposals and sales pitches. It is also ideal for heightening intuition and sensitivity to others and your surroundings.

Part 2 : Countdown for Attuning – This special countdown allows you to attune to a specific depth and/or dimension where you can be more accurate and correct when it comes to problem solving and decision making. You will learn how to program and awaken when the other person is most receptive for programming.

Part 3 : Mental Rehearsal – This strategy allows you to mentally practice important future happenings such as a job, interview, sales pitch, performance or activity so as to insure success. It permits your body, brain and mind become accustomed to and accept excellence in your performance.

Part 4 : Mental Appeal – At the subjective level, there is nothing to get in the way between you and a person of concern be it your partner, spouse, child, boss or coworker. This allows you to have heart to heart conversations with that person with no obstacles or interruptions.

Part 5: Helmet Technique – This unique way of superimposing someone’s head over your own allows you to get an in-depth perspective of how that person thinks and reasons. You are able to experience and explore that person’s behavior or thought processes from their point of view, gaining a better understanding of why they do what they do.


If you have ever wondered what your lover, spouse or boss is thinking, wanted to have an advantage over other applicants on a job interview, needed to have a heart to heart conversation with a loved one with no interruptions, or wanted to give your best performance as you made the most important sales pitch of your career, then this workshop was created just for you!

Let’s face it, we are constantly relating and/or interacting with significant others. Having an insight to another person’s perspective or way of thinking can make the difference between a good interaction or a great one! The mind tools and strategies I will be sharing with you will give you a depth of understanding as to what the other person thinks or feels about you as well as what they need from you. With this edge, you can call the right shots and create win-win outcomes for all!