Dr Abul Kalam


Director of Bangladesh


Certified Silva Method Instructor


Certified Silva Success Coach

Dr. Abul Kalam was born in Bangladesh in 1967. He completed his studies and graduated in 1998 with a degree in Medical Science from ICAM. He continued his post-graduate studies for his Medical Degree on Herbal Medicine from ICAM. He started his career as a General Physician. At the same time, he ran a clinic with the charitable organization Rotary Club of Bangladesh.

Dr. Kalam’s special hobby is to help people who are unable to pay for doctors’ care. He enjoys helping others, traveling, history, books, music, moonlit nights and through his interests, he searched to learn more about spiritualism and positive thinking.

In 2001, he came to know about Jose Silva’s Silva Method from Bangladesh’s Silva legend, Mr. Mahee Quazi. From 2001 to 2005, Dr. Kalam took the whole range of Silva courses from Mr. Quazi, attending over 40 seminars. Starting in 2006, he personally trained under Mr. Quazi, serving in the capacity of organizer, manager and instructor. He has learned so much from the Silva Method and from Mr. Quazi, especially how to love and help people. To this day, Dr. Kalam continues to faithfully serve the Silva Method and Mrs. Rowshan Quazi, in loving memory of Mr. Mahee Quazi.

Dr. Kalam sees the Silva Method tools as the best magic to handle stress and the limiting self-beliefs that most people struggle with all their lives. The Silva Method has given him the opportunity to heal his own life on many levels and he is determined to help the people of Bangladesh to experience the same results.

Dr. Kalam’s mission is to make 160 million positive people in Bangladesh aware of the Silva Method and its many applications and benefits, and with the help of the Almighty, he hopes to accomplish this mission that includes:

Giving people readily available training courses to acquire this knowledge to help themselves;
Supporting their practice of the tools and techniques and sharing experiences;
Promoting Silva-friendly businesses;
Promoting strategic partnerships with complementary & alternative medicine;
And plans to root and branch introduction into education and communities, to the young and the not so young, in order to enable them to stay young in body, heart and mind.

Dr. Kalam lives in Dhaka with his loving wife and three children.

Course Tuition Fee:
BDT. 7,500
