Esperanza Artunduaga
Esperanza Artunduaga considera que la transformación a una vida satisfactoria comienza con la educación de la mente. Tiene la certeza que con la práctica de las poderosas herramientas del Método Silva, se obtiene un desarrollo superior de las capacidades mentales y habilidades, enfocadas a incrementar su desempeño y obteniendo el doble de resultados sin mucho esfuerzo en menos tiempo. Cumplir con éxito las metas propuestas. Mejorar la calidad de vida guardando el equilibrio entre el trabajo, la vida familiar y social. Liberar el estrés, recobrar la vitalidad, para proyectarse a los demás con entusiasmo, confianza y serenidad.
Con sus conocimientos de 25 años de experiencia lo guiará paso a paso para lograr:
– Tomar el Control de su vida en la Salud, Amor, Finanzas.
– Enfocarse en las fortalezas y eliminar todo aquello que lo detiene.
– Mejorar la salud manejando el Estrés adecuadamente, controlando las enfermedades psicosomáticas: Ulceras, gastritis, Tensión Nerviosa, alergias, dolores de cabeza. Superar el insomnio.
– Desarrollar una actitud Positiva, aumentar la autoestima, mantener el entusiasmo y motivación. Desarrollar hábitos proactivos.
– Superar los miedos: a hablar en público, montar en avión, vencer la timidez, emprender un negocio, a los exámenes. Desarrollar: Memoria, Atención, Concentración, Imaginación, Visualización, Creatividad e Intuición para lograr resultados superiores.
– Comunicarse de manera efectiva para establecer relaciones de un nivel superior con su pareja, hijos, trabajo, negocios, sociales, Incrementar las Ventas.
Por su gran pasión por el crecimiento personal, su liderazgo y el entusiasmo en la práctica de las técnicas y por los grandes resultados en su vida, Esperanza fue invitada por la Doctora Laura Pinto, Directora del Método Silva en Colombia, a certificarse como Instructora del Método Silva (CSMI), tuvo el honor de recibir su certificación de manos de José Silva, el creador de la Metodología. Posteriormente en los Estados Unidos actualizó su Certificación con el Doctor Omar Mustafá, Director del Método Silva de América del Sur y más adelante en los programas Sistema de Vida Silva y el Sistema de Intuición, con la doctora Laura Silva, actual directora y el Doctor Ken Coscia, Director Internacional de Instructores.
Especialista en Orientación Educativa y Desarrollo Humano de la Universidad El Bosque (Colombia), Licenciado en Administración Educativa de La Universidad Sur-colombiana (Colombia. Diplomado en Pedagogía de la Enseñanza en la Educación Superior. Se ha desempeñado como Directora y Catedrática en la Universidad.
Hans Dejong
For the past twenty-five years, Hans DeJong has helped tens of thousands of people unlock their innate potential and abilities. Wearing hats as a lecturer, teacher, speaker, presenter, author, consultant, and marketer, audiences across the globe have been privy to Hans’ unique lessons and techniques.
Hans began his career in 1976 as a trainer for The Silva Method®, where he honed his keen abilities to bring out the best in his students. He has since received every award the Silva Method® offers, for both personal and corporate achievements, as well as domestic (within the United States) and worldwide excellence in training. Hans has received the President’s Cup (as top trainer and lecturer in the United States), the World Cup, and was recently made the honorary ambassador for Silva International.
In addition to his vast knowledge of Silva methodology, Hans’ expertise also extends into the total body, mind, and spiritual experience. His fields of study also include motivation, self-esteem, self development, maximizing potential, and business strategy.
Hans has appeared on many radio and television programs, and is widely sought out by companies and individuals alike. While best known for his seminars, Hans has also garnered raves for his personal coaching and keynote speaking. Additionally, Hans is also the author and narrator of several popular audio programs.
He currently resides in Southern California with his wife, Linda.
Tuition Fee:
$597.00 – at the door – can not be combined with any other offers
$497.00 – Silva Life System or Silva Intuition System – paid one week prior to the seminar
$35.00 – SLS repeating seating fee
Allen Goldman
Allen Goldman N.D. has been a leading innovator in the field of mind, body, and spiritual development for over 30 years.
His passion to expand the boundaries of human achievement has led him on a diverse educational path from the northeastern universities like the Harvard School of Public Health out to the west coast schools to explore a wide range of natural health methods resulting in doctoral certifications in natural medicine, naturopathy, and clinical hypnotherapy. He specializes in hypnosis and life coaching, while emphasizing the value of self-improvement methods such as nutraceuticals, herbal medicine, hydrotherapy, and exercise for improved health.
A pioneer in the promotion of natural health methods and complementary medicine, he was the convention manager for the National Health Federation, the nation’s leading health freedom of choice organization. The NHF was responsible for the passage of legislation that allows consumers the right to purchase nutritional supplements without a prescription. This legislation led the way to the booming alternative medicine trend, currently a multi-billion dollar industry.
In 1982, Allen originated one of the most successful mind/body/spirit consumer shows in the world, the Whole Life Expo. This extremely popular “world’s fair” of health and better living attracted tens of thousands of participants throughout the United States.
In 2001 he formed Silva West, the San Francisco Bay Area branch of the Silva Method. What he loves about being a Silva Instructor is the opportunity to share Jose Silva’s great philosophy. Goldman attributes much of his success to the daily application of the Method’s very practical tools; and as a Silva Method certified instructor and coach, he has guided thousands of people to attain physical, mental, spiritual and emotional well-being.
Tuition Fee:
$595.00 – at the door
$545.00 – early registration
$75.00 – Graduates repeating seating fee
Early Registration Discount $545 (payment in full 10 days prior to seminar)
BLS grads into Silva Intuition Seminar $250
Steven Protopappas
Steven Protopappas has been involved with the Silva Method since he first took the Seminar in 1974 and has been a Silva instructor for over 10 years. He is a dynamic speaker and very passionate about the training you will receive in his seminars. Steven will teach you “personal empowerment” and provide you with tools and techniques that will help you to create the reality you really desire.
Steve has an extensive background in personal development and fills his lecture with vast amounts of information to assist your growth. He conducts the Silva Method seminars for individuals who want to take control of their destiny, and get the most out of life. He has published numerous articles on human development and his seminars are energetic and inspiring, his voice is soothing and relaxing as he leads you through the exercises and techniques! Steve is comfortable working with groups of any size, from individuals to several hundred people.
Tuition Fee:
$597.00 – new students to SLS, SIT or Manifesting
$50.00 – SLS, SIT, Manifesting grads to repeat
$250.00 – BLS grads taking the SIT
$597.00 – SLS grad are new students to SIT and Manifesting
Fina Louis Protopappas
Fina Louise Protopappas has been actively involved with the Silva Programs since 2003. In addition to her Silva training, Fina is also a certified Hypnotherapist, a certified Life Coach, a Quantum Touch Practitioner and Instructor, and a certified Massage Therapist. As a Silva Instructor, Fina brings new perspectives and insights to the class. Her enthusiasm and knowledge of healing modalities are a perfect match for a Silva Instructor.
Tuition Fee:
$597.00 – new students to SLS, SIT or Manifesting
$50.00 – SLS, SIT, Manifesting grads to repeat
$250.00 – BLS grads taking the SIT
$597.00 – SLS grad are new students to SIT and Manifesting