Jennifer DeSau Barber
Instructor of Florida
Certified Silva Method Instructor
Certified Silva Success Coach
Jennifer DeSau Barber, has had the unique experience and privilege of growing up with The Silva Method. There is not a time in her life that she can recall not having these tools available to her.
Jennifer’s grandfather is, Dr. George DeSau. If you have read, The Silva Mind Control Method book (the blue book), you may recognize his name. He was the clinical psychologist, hired by José Silva to work with the research and development of the program. I guess it could be said, she was his guinea pig; a willing guinea pig.
She was taught, if she couldn’t get to sleep, there was a technique for that. If she had a tough decision to make, there was a technique for that. Problems with a subject in school? There was a technique for that. Problems at work? There was a technique for that.
Can you imagine having techniques to help you confidently make everyday and important life decisions? Can you imagine yourself, moving confidently through life “in the flow”? This is what The Silva Method offers.
Jennifer’s unique upbringing and pragmatic outlook, makes her an excellent Silva Method instructor. She has vast experience, using every one of these amazing techniques, and the ability to clearly show you, how to get the most from them. All the while, keeping the class light and fun. Creating the life you desire is fun, when you have the tools to make it happen! This is what she is looking forward to sharing with you.
Her lifelong experience with these techniques and over 17 years experience as a trainer and coach, allows her the knowledge, not only share the information and techniques with you but to also show you how to implement them into your life, making your life better and better. Check out the upcoming class dates and she’ll see you there!
Tamara Patzer
Instructor of Florida
Certified Silva Method Instructor
Certified Silva Success Coach
Tamara “Tami” Patzer has been part of the Silva Method family since 2003. She was certified by Betty Perry and Ken Coscia. Currently, Tami holds live presentations in Venice, Florida, at the Angel Ministries, 2269 S Tamiami Trail, Venice, FL 34293. For information, contact Tami at TamaraPatzer@gmail.com.
How I found the Silva Method that changed my life in 2003.
The Silva Method can change your life! I am walking proof that it works!
Life in the newspaper business can best be described as stressful: a constant series of deadlines. I have always relied on my ability to multi-task, or to be a juggler. Some days, I am juggling four balls, three flaming batons and a bouncing baby tiger on my foot. When it all gets to me, I head to the ‘hall of bathrooms’ for a few minutes of quiet meditation. I pray.
One day, I went into the ladies room, stood in front of the mirror and whispered, “Please, God, give me strength.” Staring back at myself, it hit me. I was praying all wrong. No wonder, I was a strong person: I kept asking for strength to handle it all, instead of asking for solutions.
I headed to the library that night and began studying methods of problem solving, self-actualization, motivation, spirituality and power of prayer. Always a strong believer in the power of faith, I knew that while I was smart intellectually, my spirituality was lacking.
My research led me to Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Maryann Williamson and other motivational and spiritual writers and speakers. For weeks, I listened to audiotapes as I drove back and forth to work from Englewood to Port Charlotte and up to Tampa on weekends. The more I listened, the more I liked Dr. Wayne Dyer’s message: “All of us are here as spiritual beings having a human experience.”
When I did some research, I found that Dr. Dyer is a Silva graduate and I learned how he found his purpose with the Silva Method’s help. I can honestly say Dr. Wayne W. Dyer led me to The Silva Method.
The Silva Method gave me step-by-step methods to make solutions to make my life better and better. Take a quantum leap toward leading a healthier, happier, and more fulfilled life.
The Silva Method equips you with the tools you need to evaluate your productivity…increase your creativity…supercharge your problem-solving capability…and greatly exceed your goals.
As a Silva Method instructor, I can teach you how to enter the Alpha State – an inner conscious level of brain wave frequency. At the Alpha state, you’ll activate deep states of accelerated mental activity, intuition, learning, memory, ESP, tranquility, rest, and relaxation.
Esther Seymour-Vogenitz
Instructor of Florida
Certified Silva Method Instructor
Certified Silva Success Coach
It’s only you who can change your life for the better. The Silva Method gives you the tools to do it.