Irene Joseph
Irene Joseph’s spiritual journey began at a very early age. Over the years, her search led to her becoming a practitioner of Yoga, graduating to becoming a qualified instructor with one of the foremost teachers in India.Irene’s fascination with the Mind/Body/Spirit connection led her to the study and practice of a number of healing modalities.
Her knowledge and experience over the past 20 years has included study under the tutelage of various Enlightened Masters of the East and West — in Yoga , Reiki, Pranic Healing, Spiritual Healing, Transcendental Meditation, Magnetic & Pyramid Healing, Naturopathy, Christian Science and Hypnotherapy.It was in 1995 that Irene attended a Silva Seminar. She trained to become a Certified Silva Instructor and thereafter became a Silva Master.
In addition she is also a Certified Usui Reiki Master/Healer and a Pranic Healer/Teacher. Today Irene is the Director for the Silva Method in New Zealand. Passionate about teaching, Irene takes great pleasure in conducting the Basic Lecture Series for adults as well as the Youth Lecture series for children and teens in New Zealand.
She is certified to teach the Silva Life System as well as the Silva Stress Management Seminars. She loves traveling and interacting with people.