Andrzej Wójcikiewicz
Director of Poland
Certified Silva Method Instructor
Certified Silva Success Coach
Andrzej Wójcikiewicz is from Warsaw, Poland. He studied and graduated from the Physical Education Academy in Warsaw. Specializing in the sport of fencing, he worked as National Coach of Olympic Teams in Denmark and Canada during the period of 1970 – 1992. He participated as a fencing coach at the Olympic Games in Munich (1972) and in Montreal (1976). In Canada he completed his Sport Psychology degree at the University of Ottawa and also earned a Master of Science degree.
Andrzej completed the Silva Basic course in Ottawa in 1988 with one of the best Canadian Silva lecturers – Jonathan Kramer. He finished the Instructors’ training with Jose Silva in 1990, and since January 1992, he started to work as full time Silva Method Instructor and International Director in Poland.
In 2001 Andrzej became interested in egyptology and archeology. He created in Poland a Foundation for the Support of Archeological Research “Dar Swiatowida“ that is currently financing archeological research and excavation in Egypt in order to prevent possible cataclysmic events in 2012. He authored the book Awakening the Pharaoh which was published in its English translation by AuthorHouse in 2006.
Marian Jeżewski
Since 2003, I have been involved in training in the field of personal development and professional dealings. In 1982, I completed studies in mathematics at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry at the University of Wroclaw, interrupted during martial law. I have a diploma in electronics technician, specializing in “Mathematical digital machines”.
Katarzyna Koźlińska
Wykładowca kursów Samokontroli Umysłu Metodą Silvy. Jestem absolwentką Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Katowicach, gdzie na Wydziale Ubezpieczeń i Finansów uzyskałam tytuł magistra w specjalności Bankowość i finanse międzynarodowe.
Zbigniew Królicki
Zbigniew Królicki was first introduced to the Silva Method at Jose Silva’s Ultra Seminar in Berlin in 1986. In 1992, he began training with the director of the Silva Method in Poland, Andrzej Wojcikiewicz, and that year he received his Silva Instructor title.
Monika Sidor
Absolwentka Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, autorka nagrań i książek (w tym podręcznika do kursów dziecięcych). Jako pedagog Metodę Silvy wykorzystywała do pracy z dziećmi w różnym wieku – także z dziećmi z lekkim upośledzeniem umysłowym.