Tune Into Your Intuition

Tune Into Your Intuition

Most people go through a time where they don't know what to do with their lives. Have you ever wondered what your purpose in life is? Do you feel disconnected at times? You are not alone in these feelings, they are very common. There are ways to connect to your...

Global Entrepreneurs Interview @ 7pm

Global Entrepreneurs Interview @ 7pm

Date: February 13th Time: 7 p.m. CST Global Entrepreneurs' host Christopher Pinckley will be interviewing Silva International's president Laura Silva Quesada on her career and on the personal growth programs offered, such as the Silva Mind Body Healing, Silva...

Sleeping Is An Art

Sleeping Is An Art

They say that living is an art but I am starting to think that sleeping is an art, too! It’s just not as easy as it was when I was a kid---just plop me down in the bed and boom, I’m out. Now there are so many other variables to take into consideration---what you had...

Relationship Responsibility

Relationship Responsibility

Have you ever wanted to blame someone else for being the “problem” in a relationship? Don’t worry, it happens to all of us from time to time. There are people at home and work that can drive me a little nutty sometimes, and I just wish they would change. Tonight, I...

Meditating To Find Your Soulmate

Meditating To Find Your Soulmate

The other day Laura started telling us the story of how she met her husband. I told her she absolutely had to share it with you guys! Laura got to a point in her life where she had become the person she aspired to be; a person she loved, admired, appreciated and...


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Laura Silva Quesada, daughter of Jose Silva – founder of the original Silva Mind Control Method, she was one of the primary research subjects, which gave her extensive personal experience and insight into the creation, and use of intuitive and life changing techniques.