Sometimes people tell me they don’t visualize, or they visualize poorly.

Let’s set the record straight: It is not a question of whether you visualize – everybody visualizes – but a question of whether you are visualizing with the left brain hemisphere or with the right brain hemisphere.

You can get some results when you visualize with the left brain hemisphere.  You get much greater ‘results when you visualize with the right brain hemisphere.

A person who is not a Silva Method graduate but who has extremely clear and detailed visualization will get very poor results if all they can do is visualize with the left brain hemisphere.

A Silva Method graduate who simply thinks about what things look like can get excellent results, if the graduate thinks about what things look like at the alpha level, using the right brain hemisphere.


What do we mean by visualization?  Visualization is memory.

When you recall what something looks like, you are visualizing. If you can describe something to me in full detail, if you can tell me its shape and color, you are visualizing.

Some people tell me they can think about what something looks like and describe it to me, but they do not visualize it. They say that they are just thinking about it.

When they tell me that, I know that they are visualizing. Remember that you see with your eyes, and you visualize with your mind.

When you visualize with your left brain hemisphere, you are bringing back (recalling) information that you have perceived with your biological senses only.

When you visualize with your right brain hemisphere, not only do you recall information that you have perceived with your biological senses, but you also recall information you have perceived with your subjective (psychic) senses.


Dreaming is similar to visualizing, but it is different. You dream and visualize at various brain frequencies, but there are different levels of brain and mind involved in dreaming and in consciously visualizing.

Actually, there are many different kinds of dreams. The dreams you have when you are going into deeper levels of sleep are different from the dreams you have when you are coming out of deep levels of sleep.

There are many stages of dreams. Each is different, and each produces a different type of imagery. The imagery you have with visualization and imagination differs from these.

Sometimes you dream so clearly that it is just like seeing. Visualizing will never be like seeing, because you are in different stages of brain and mind. There are only certain dimensions where that degree of clarity can take place, and it does not happen consciously. It happens unconsciously; it ha ppens naturally. Some people talk about how clearly they visualize, but it is not the same as “seeing.”


Imagination is thinking about what something may look like when you have never seen it or imagined it before (If you have imagined it before, and then you recall it, you are visualizing what you previously imagined.)

The Memory Pegs offer excellent practice in both visualization and imagination. Even though you may be doing them at beta, with only the left brain hemisphere, it is still excellent practice for you.


To learn to use your right brain hemisphere when you are visualizing and imagining, practice at your level.  The best kind of practice is to work health cases, as you learned to do in Silva Intuition System.

To help you get the idea of what we are doing, we use a model of left-brain/right-brain functioning, as follows:  When you are at your level and visualizing and imagining (thinking about what things look like), you are impressing those experiences on both your left and your right brain hemispheres.

Notice what we do with the Memory Pegs. First, you peg thirty items at beta, with the left hemisphere. Then at your level, your lecturer guides you to review them so that your experiences are now transferred to and stored on your right brain hemisphere. This happens because when you are at your level, at the alpha level, there is a connection with the right brain hemisphere.


When you begin working health cases, you begin with information on your right brain hemisphere, using your subjective (psychic) senses, and you transfer it to your left brain hemisphere when you describe to your orientologist the things that you are sensing.

You might have noticed that after doing a mental training exercise, you do not talk about your experiences immediately afterwards. However, it is all right to talk about those experiences after you have gone through at least one sleep and dream cycle. You want to have this time so that while you are sleeping, your brain can properly file away the new information. Talking about it before you have had a chance to sleep on it is like digging up a seed. You need time to internalize it.

But working health cases is different. Since you are reporting on information that comes to you subjectively, experiences that are impressed first on your right brain hemisphere, then the process of reporting these experiences helps transfer the information to the left brain hemisphere also. This is one of the reasons it is important to tell your orientologist everything that you think of or experience while working cases.


In the beginning, if you desire to use your right brain hemisphere, you must enter your level and call on the experiences you have already stored on your right brain hemisphere.

But as you store more and more experiences on your right brain hemisphere, an interesting phenomenon takes place: You begin to develop the ability to use both brain hemispheres without closing your eyes (provided your vision is defocused) and without having to use the standard 3 to 1 method to enter your level.

Your brain automatically dips into alpha approximately thirty times every minute. This is true for all people, whether they are Silva Method graduates or not. The brain stays at alpha for only a very short period of time, but this time can be very useful if you have points of reference to work with on the right brain hemisphere. And with practice, you can learn to make those brief trips to alpha last longer.

If you have not stored any experiences on your right brain hemisphere, which you do by visualizing and imagining while at the alpha level, then you will be unable to do any right-brain thinking during these brief trips to alpha, because you do not have any points of reference to guide you.

But after you have stored experiences with your right brain hemisphere, you can then begin to develop the ability to use your right brain hemisphere for thinking when your brain dips into alpha for those fractions of a second.

You can sense information with your subjective senses when your brain dips into alpha, but only if you have points of reference (experiences) on your right brain hemisphere to guide you, and you learn to recognize that special feeling of being at alpha and stay longer than that brief instant.

You can program for things you desire with your right brain hemisphere when your brain dips into alpha, but only if you have points of reference (experiences) on your right brain hemisphere to guide you, and you learn to recognize that special feeling of being at alpha and stay longer than that brief instant.

That is why it is important to practice all of the Silva Method techniques, especially case work­ing. You want to store as many experiences as possible using your right brain hemisphere, not only visualizing and imagining, but sensing information and g programming for your desired end results.


Now we are back to where we started: visualization and imagination.  When you practice thinking about what things look like while you are at your level and are using your right brain hemisphere, you are doing exactly what is necessary to bring about the results you desire.

A person who is not a Silva Method graduate can practice visualizing and imagining all day long, can have extremely clear imagery, but still get very poor results if they are using only the left brain hemisphere and they do not know how to enter the alpha level and make points of reference on the right brain hemisphere.

A Silva Method graduate who practices going to level and thinking about what things look like, who practices the techniques, and practices case work­ing, will develop the ability to achieve any goals because the Silva Method graduate is using both brain hemispheres.

Better and Better,

Laura Silva Quesada
and the Team