Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be so successful in life?

Everything flows just right for them. Whatever they touch turns to gold. They are the lucky ones. They are the ones with the great job, great salary, perfect love, and ideal life. You may have found yourself thinking, “Why them, and not me.”

One reason for success is the ability to make correct choices, and decisions. Successful people do that consistently. They make the kind of choices and decisions that lead to positive outcomes. It is based on information that goes far beyond what is learned and involves accessing accurate information from seemingly nowhere.

This ability is intuition and highly successful people enjoy a higher degree of intuition than the average person. Where most people base their decision making only on their accumulated knowledge, successful people combine all they have learned together with what they sense with their intuition.

Have a look at this report “Using Intuition in Business” and find out why intuition is so important and how you can apply it at your work.



Better and Better,

Laura Silva Quesada
and the Team