intuition test

Have you ever wondered how developed your intuitive capabilities are?

Are you one of those who trusts blindly in logic and analytical thinking or do you let yourself be led by your instincts and gut feelings?

We invite you to take this test that will allow you to understand how you make decisions in your daily life.

There are 4 levels of Intuition:
First level – Basic, “Intuition of Survival”.
Second level – Light, “Social Intuition”.
Third level – Medium, “Developed Intuition”.
Fourth level – High, “Intuition of Higher Purpose”.

This small questionnaire will help you determine what level of Intuition you have currently and what you can do to improve it.

So, take the challenge and tell us how it went. Record your answers and calculate the result at the end of the questionnaire.

How to score your answers:

Never 1 point
Sometimes 2 points
Frequently 3 points
    Here it goes…

  1. You are a spontaneous person and you like going by the flow more than following what’s planned in advance.
  2. You make decisions based on your hunches and you follow them even if it seems illogical.
  3. When you meet someone for the first time, you immediately form an opinion about that person, but then you make sure it is correct.
  4. You have had times when you successfully invested on an idea or won the lottery, based solely on your instinct.
  5. You know what is your mission and purpose in life.
  6. If you ignore a strong hunch that warns you about something, you regret not having listened to your intuition.
  7. In your work you are able to make decisions with your intuition which causes the bewilderment of many.
  8. You are able to make the right decisions, even when you do not have enough data.
  9. You feel an inexplicable anxiety or an excitement before some good or bad event occurs that you can not explain.
  10. You have great ideas, seemingly out of nowhere, and the best thing is that they create excellent results in your work and in your life.
  11. You feel when a loved one is suffering, even if you have not talked to him or do not know his problem.
  12. Your friends think you’re clever.
  13. You have made important decisions based on a hunch, even if they are contrary to what the experts or your loved ones think, and in the great majority of times you were right.
  14. You feel when someone is lying to you or telling you the truth.
  15. It has happened to you that you had a feeling about an accident, death or catastrophe, and then it occurs.
  16. If you do not know what to do, what choice to take or what path to follow, you simply sit down and meditate with the full confidence that the right decision will appear to you.
  17. You feel a strong connection with people you’ve never met or with places you’ve never been.
  18. You are a very compassionate person and you take into account the emotions of the people around you.
  19. You’ve had the experience that you have miraculously saved yourself from some great danger.
  20. You have spent some time lost in an unknown environment, yet you were able to find the right way out by chance.

That’s it, now, add up your points! What’s your result?


There are 4 levels of intuition. Most people land on levels 1 or 2.
We all have the ability to operate on the highest of intuitive levels.

If your result was 20 to 30: Level 1 – Basic, “Survival Intuition”.

Survival IntuitionAt this level, your intuition is activated when your life is in danger, and helps you avoid the worst.

For example, after the terrorist attack in New York on September 11, a large number of people working in the World Trade Center reported that on that day they felt an inexplicable anxiety on the way to work.

60% to 70% of people experience this level of intuition. If you ask your friends about some intuitive experience, the vast majority will tell you a story related to the prevention of danger.

Although we are all born with Intuition, most of us never consciously try to understand and develop it.

And even if your intuition ever “saved” you from a dangerous situation, it is very likely that you will not share it with others.

But, don’t despair! It’s never too late to start training your intuition.

And as you use it, you will discover the enormous benefits that this gift has to give you.

If your result was 30 to 40: Level 2 – Light, “Social Intuition”

Social IntuitionBest use of level 2 intuition, is to mainly understand the feelings and emotions of the people close to you. You are a very compassionate person and empathize with the emotions of those around you.

People with this level of intuition are able to complete a sentence that a close friend started and can anticipate when others are in danger, just as a mother feels when her baby is at risk.

This level of Intuition is often given to a small number of people.

Intuition of this nature is very useful for leaders, family members or those who work for a common good.

And while you constantly use your intuition to better understand the people around you, you are ignoring a very important part of Intuition that can help you improve other areas of your life.

If you develop your intuition, you will be able to move to a higher level and get a lot of benefits. But if you continue to ignore this gift, it is very likely that over time your intuitive powers will decrease.

The good thing is that reconnecting with your intuition is very easy to achieve. You simply need to do a little intuitive exercise, learn to trust your inner voice and you will soon see the benefits not only in your personal relationships, but also in your career, economic well-being and personal growth.

If your result was 40 to 50: Level 3 – Medium, “Slightly Developed Intuition”

Developed IntuitionThomas Edison once said:

“Ideas come from space. This may seem impossible and hard to believe but it is true. Ideas come from outer space.”

Many scientists and inventors are at level 3 of intuition. Think of the famous case of Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev, who for a long time worked on a unique system that generalizes the properties of chemical elements.

When he began to sort all the information it was impossible to place it in a single table. Mendeleev worked without sleep for 3 days and 3 nights, but still did not get what he was looking for. Finally, totally exhausted, he laid down to rest.

According to his biographers Mendeleev immediately fell asleep and had a dream:

“I see in my dreams a table where the elements are arranged as necessary. I woke up and in the act I wrote down everything I saw. I just needed to adjust my board one time after that dream.”
(Mendeleev was a Russian chemist, creator of the Periodic Table of Elements.)

In ordering the elements, he was led by two great intuitions: 1) He altered the order of masses as necessary to arrange them according to their properties and 2) He dared to leave holes, postulating the existence of elements unknown until now.

There are countless stories where intuition helped make a discovery or create a masterpiece of art.

Even in business there are examples of entrepreneurial empires built on a single intuition.

If you are a person who acts at level 3 of intuition, you are very in tune with what is happening around you , and this is a cutting edge skill.

The ability to connect with your intuition helps you (and your family) move forward in life with greater ease.

You are probably using your intuition not only to communicate with loved ones, but also at work, using your sixth sense to solve problems, make important decisions or create something new.

People who have a Level 3 Intuition are very creative people, successful business people, or teachers in their craft.

If your score was 50-60: Level 4 – High, “Intuition of Higher Purpose”

Intuition of Higher PurposeThis is the most useful and the most incredible level of intuition. At this level, the subconscious mind works to your advantage, helping you constantly to move towards your life purpose.

People with this level of intuition are incredibly fortunate in business even in risky business like stock market investments.

Take the case of Sir Richard Branson – whose different companies work with more than 300 partners – yet, according to him, he is able to make the decision on whether or not to associate with a person within the first minute of conversing with that person.

If you are on this level, you already know that you can never ignore your inner voice that guides you through life. You are aware of how important it is to develop and perfect intuitive skills and listen to them.

It is very likely that you meditate every day, which helps you to make important decisions in your life – whether in your personal relationships, business or health.

You always listen to your intuition and you know that all you have achieved is thanks to that wonderful skill. You are on your way to your higher purpose in life. Aware of your mission, you help make this world a better place.

Your subconscious mind is like a jet engine that leads to your life purpose. Congratulations!

As I like to say, intuition is a gift that we all have, only that some listen to it more than others.

And just as the muscle of an arm improves when we begin to do certain exercises, growing and getting stronger, so it is with your intuition.
You already have what it takes. All you need now is … practice!


Please share your thoughts with me. I also want to know what your score was!

Better and Better,

Laura Silva Quesada
and the Team